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- Alicia R. Jackson 1
- Andrew B. Spurgeon 2
- Anneke Kai 3
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- Brian Neil Peterson 1
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- Deepika Emmanuel Sagar 3
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Showing 37–45 of 45 results
The Power of Silent Hours: A Collection of Devotionals, Psalms and Poetry (PDF E-Book)
The Power of Silent Hours is a unique combination of devotionals, poetry and psalms. This book presents devotionals that would help you to connect your blessings, the smallest and biggest events of your life, with the grace of God and the poetry and psalms would give words to your emotions that follow.
The book aims at developing a perspective of connecting events with the love and protection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This devotional is based on many such day-to-day activities, which would help you to remember and recall the teachings every time you come across similar situations.
Renew your mind by spending silent hours with God!
Click here to download a portion of the book for sample reading.
Translating the Bible Into Action
Do you, or other members of your church, regularly feel frustrated because what you read in the Bible is simply irrelevant to your daily life? Or do you feel as if there is a barrier keeping you from understanding God’s word in a way that inspires you to live it out? If so, this practical, interactive textbook for pastors, church leaders or Bible students may offer help.
Tum Mere Gavaah Thehroge-A Study of the Book of Acts
As we navigate these uncertain, difficult times, learn how a small group of “unschooled, ordinary men and women” (Acts 4:13) navigated the uncertain times they faced, immediately after the ascension of Jesus, and “turned the world upside-down” (Acts 17:6) with their witness of the risen Lord Jesus Christ.
जब हम इस अनिश्चित, मुश्किल समयों में जीवन बिता रहे है, जानें कैसे “अनपढ़ और साधारण मनुष्यों” (प्रेरितों के काम ४:१३) के एक छोटे से झुण्ड ने यीशु मसीह के स्वर्गारोहण के बाद अनिश्चितकालीन समयों में सेवकाई की और जीवित प्रभु यीशु मसीह की गवाही से “जगत को उलटा पुलटा कर दिया” (प्रेरितों के काम १७:६)
Free Shipping For a Limited Time | मुफ्त डिलीवरी, सीमित समय के लिए | Discount on Bulk Orders (2 or More Copies)
Unseen Yet Seen
“Can you see beyond your eyes could carry? Can you understand the utterings not heard? Can you feel the presence of a passion holding you closer to a dream? Then dream along with the author to see more of what her life can inspire yours’ to ignite the very flames of your humble inspirations to a blazing fire of a persuasion only your conscience can lead you to. Persuade yourselves to dream bigger for a noble cause, persuade yourself to persevere, persuade yourself to see the unseen…”
This is the story of Rev. Dr. Samuel T Varghese, artfully told by his daughter Susan Ann Samuel, that will edify and encourage you to live a courageous and faith-filled Christian life.
Unseen Yet Seen (PDF E-Book)
“Can you see beyond your eyes could carry? Can you understand the utterings not heard? Can you feel the presence of a passion holding you closer to a dream? Then dream along with the author to see more of what her life can inspire yours’ to ignite the very flames of your humble inspirations to a blazing fire of a persuasion only your conscience can lead you to. Persuade yourselves to dream bigger for a noble cause, persuade yourself to persevere, persuade yourself to see the unseen…”
This is the story of Rev. Dr. Samuel T Varghese, artfully told by his daughter Susan Ann Samuel, that will edify and encourage you to live a courageous and faith-filled Christian life.